SCDA Course
K-12 Career Advisor Course
School Career Development Advisor (SCDA) Course
National Career Development Association (NCDA)
SCDA Course:
This School Career Development Advisor (SCDA) Course is designed for K-12 educators who assist students with career exploration, job search preparation, and resources.
This SCDA Course is designed for professionals who provide career development services for K-12 youth.
Cost of the SCDA Registration Fee for the SCDA Course:
$1500, per person, for the registration fee for the SCDA Course.
Cost of the SCDA Manual for the SCDA Course:
$50, per person, for the SCDA Manual. The SCDA Manual is purchased separately directly from NCDA's Online Career Resource Store. Professional who are enrolled in the SCDA Course may purchase the online access DIGITAL SCDA Manual or the PRINTED SCDA Manual (plus shipping and handling). The printed manual consists of standard 8 1/2 by 11 sheets of paper that are three-hole punched. When the paper manual arrives, please put the pages in your own three-ring binder.
Cost of NCDA Fees associated with the SCDA Course:
$95 for NCDA Membership/Renewal, which is paid directly to NCDA
$175 for the NCDA CSCDA Credential Application, which is paid directly to NCDA
Audience for the SCDA Course:
The SCDA Course is designed for K-12 educators, K-12 counselors, K-12 career development professionals, and additional professionals who work with youth/K-12.
Course Content for the SCDA Course:
This is an interactive, discussion-based program using Zoom.
Session 1: Introduction to NCDA SCDA
Session 2: Typical Roles & Responsibilities of School Career Development Advisors, based on Chapter 1 of the NCDA SCDA Manual.
Session 3: Career Development Services for K-12, based on Chapter 2 of the NCDA SCDA Manual
Session 4: Business Services & Employer Relations, based on Chapter 3 of the NCDA SCDA Manual
Session 5: NCDA SCDA Projects
Session 6: Application Process for the NCDA CSCDA Credential
Session 7: Key Takeaways and & Next Steps
Zoom Meetings for the SCDA Course:
SCDA Candidates must commit to participating in virtual meetings, via Zoom, throughout the SCDA Course.
Time Commitment for the SCDA Course:
The SCDA Course consists of 45 clock hours. This includes 7 clock hours of synchronous virtual meetings using Zoom. As well as 38 clock hours of asynchronous work. Asynchronous work includes reading the SCDA Manual, visiting websites, reviewing resources, preparing projects & assignments, and additional activities.
Technology Requirements for the SCDA Course:
Laptop with webcam and microphone
Internet Connection
Digital creation tools (Microsoft 365, or Google Workspace, or similar tools)
Certificate of Completion for the SCDA Course:
Upon successful completion of the National Career Development Association's (NCDA) School Career Development Advisor (SCDA) Course, you will receive a Certificate of Completion.
NCDA CSCDA Credential:
Some individuals may be eligible to pursue the National Career Development Association’s Certified School Career Development Advisor (CSCDA) Credential, depending on education, experience, and additional factors. Pursuing the CSCDA Credential is optional.
Dr. Marie Smith is the instructor for this particular SCDA Course.
Feel free to contact the instructor at or 262-939-8596.
This SCDA Course, led by Dr. Marie Smith, is offered each summer
SCDA Course